Black-necked crane population reaches record high in Gansu's Yanchiwan
In a recent survey conducted by the Yanchiwan Protection Station of the Gansu Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve Management Center, the population of black-necked cranes in the Yanchiwan International Important Wetland has reached an all-time high.
Dunhuang exhibition kicks off in Auckland
The Experience China: Dunhuang Culture Enters New Zealand exhibition kicked off in Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, on Monday.
Join AI host to explore Silk Road International Cultural Expo
From Sept 20 to 22, the 7th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo will be held in Dunhuang, Gansu province.
Safeguarding the cultural landscape
Forum highlights remarkable progress in conserving cave temples, report Wang Ru in Dunhuang, Gansu province, and Ma Jingna in Lanzhou.
Wind from the grasslands
Nestled at an altitude of 3,520 meters, the Chela Grasslands in Tanchang county of Longnan, Gansu province, present a magnificent spectacle against a backdrop of endless clouds. Here, a massive 200,000-kilowatt wind power project is rapidly taking shape.
Gansu's innovative approach to transportation development
Since the beginning of this year, Gansu province has been actively advancing transportation investment and financing reforms. In an effort to overcome funding challenges for infrastructure projects, the province has been vigorously promoting the construction of "Three Major New Expressway Corridors," demonstrating strong momentum in transportation investment.